Thursday, July 28, 2011


We are sending a cup with our Unite of Die Cafe logo to each member of the Iowa Straw Poll, we call this the "Cup Message".

AS WE STAND on the precipice of history: 

May you have the Vision to see clearly, even through the 
shrouds of darkness, 
The Wisdom to separate truth from illusion, even when 
those about you are deluded, 
The Strength to stand strong against conjurers and false prophets, 
The Courage to recognize and speak the truth, regardless of the consequences,

May you have the Patience and Understanding to deal with tribulation,
The Knowledge and Skill to distinguish fact from fiction, even when the latter sings a sweeter song, 
The Honesty to acknowledge your own weaknesses and recognize the strengths in others, 
The Passion and Commitment to serve the common end, 
even while false means beckon, 

May you have the Good Humor to laugh at yourself,
The Grace and Humility to accept the world as it is and 
not as you wish it to be,
The Love in your heart to know that it is often better to give than to receive, and finally, 
May you have the Patriotism, Character and Sincerity to, 
"Ask not what your country can do for you - 
             ask what you can do for your country"


America at the Tipping Point
The New Sons and Daughters of Liberty

In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation.  The old principle: who does not work shall not eat has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.  
    Leon Trotsky (1937) 

       Before the 2010 elections Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Ky) was famously quoted saying, 
“The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”  We’re not sure exactly what motivation lay at the heart of McConnell’s exhortation but, as is obvious from the Mission Statement of the UniteOrDieCafe and the commitment of the New Sons and Daughters of Liberty, we agree, wholeheartedly, and want be clear as to the reasons why we agree with Senator McConnell (and dispel what are not the reasons).  

The reason we are committed to the defeat of Barack Obama is because the United States is at an historic tipping point and we believe the president is a prime mover in pushing America into the abyss of central planning and the destruction of individual liberty and Federalism. Notwithstanding the stock and trade class warfare vilification of opponents of the progressive movement, our commitment to the defeat of Barack Obama has nothing to do with, oppression, greed or racism. Such charges are blatant huckstering and nothing more. 

The term “tipping point” has been bandied about a lot lately, particularly in reference to the state of the American economy.  The scientific meaning of “tipping point” is “...that point at which a system in equilibrium (a stable state) becomes unstable and is displaced with a new and/or different system.” Glenn Hubbard, dean of Columbia University School of Business, for example, warns that the United States, a Great Power and the world’s number one economic engine, is at risk of falling into an irreversible and catastrophic decline unless major structural changes are implemented, an soon. From Dr. Hubbard’s perspective the needed changes relate to the profligate fiscal irresponsibility of government.     

There is widespread recognition and agreement  across the political spectrum with the tipping point proposition as applied to the U.S. economy. But there is another directly related, uniquely political, intensely partisan and immediate tipping point we face.  Namely, the 2012 presidential election and who will challenge Obama.  Some/many believe that another four years of drift toward collectivism and centralized planning will signal an irreversible tipping point for the American political economy.  Others, believe that Obama represents little more than a point to the left of center on the historic swing of the political pendulum, and little in the way of “fundamental change” has or will occur under his watch.  We disagree with the latter perspective.  

UniteOrDieCafe sees the Obama Administration as of the point of the spear for a radical “progressive” agenda actively seeking and promoting fundamental change in the American political economy.  Obama himself has been crystal clear on this proposition.  The substance of that fundamental change is the accelerated movement toward a planned centralized political economy and away from individual liberty, free enterprise and Federalism. ObamaCare impacting one-sixth of the U.S. economy is Exhibit A.  Reactionary, paranoid, alarmist?  We don’t think so.  But we expect that kind of demagoguery and worse.

But for the confluence of long simmering environmental, economic, demographic, technological and political factors culminating and manifesting themselves in the presidency of George W. Bush, and the unique and indeed, extraordinary array of gifts found in the persona of Barack Obama, we might agree with the pendulum theory.  The present economic crisis is not new or unique. The trajectory of history is never static.  The Great Depression was significantly more intense and challenging.  But the Great Depression occurred at a different time in history; a time when the nation was smaller, more united, dispersed and self-reliant.  And it must be remembered that the disequilibrium that was the Great Depression was ended only by a World War.  For a number of reasons, we believe the political tipping point we now are confronting is much more likely to bare the same enduring qualities as did other cataclysms in history.    

Today we are concentrated in huge megalopolises.   Partisanship is at a fever pitch. Large blocs of the population are entirely dependant on government for their livelihood and/or subsistence. We are economically, socially, racially and ethnically fragmented.  These fragmented segments include public employee unions (e.g., SEIU, NEA, AFT), homogeneous racial, ethnic (e.g., NAACP, MAPA, La Raza), sexual orientation voting blocs (e.g., LBTG.org), welfare rights groups (e.g., ACORN) and the elite media including most of Hollywood.  Combined, while still a voting minority, these blocs represent the core constituency/base of the progressive movement. To become a dominant enduring voting majority only requires capturing a fraction of voters at the margins. And there is almost nothing that confines their efforts to accomplish this.   

Add the charismatic, tall, dark and handsome, glib and teleprompter enabled Obama to the mix for another four years and  the progressive agenda of central planning and control by a Washington D.C. elite almost certainly will become an institutionalized, even irreversible fact of our body politic. Then, as warned by Hyack, “The whole system will tend toward that plebiscitarian dictatorship in which the head of the government is from time to time confirmed in his position by popular vote, but where he has all the powers at this command to make certain that the vote will go in the direction he desires.”  Think Fidel Castro,  Hugo Chevez et al. Thus the critical need for unity among those who recognize and understand there are wolves at our gates.

UniteOrDieCafe and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty reject the “fundamental change” being pushed by Obama and his fellow travelers and believe that the salvation of our country will only be achieved through a people united in their belief in and commitment to a society based on independence, self-reliance, personal responsibility, shared sacrifice, voluntary association and moral commitments.  Regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, if you believe in these traditional American values, please join us. Unite or Die, Again!