Sunday, August 14, 2011


The Ames Iowa Straw Poll
The New Sons and Daughters of Liberty

The Background Setting: At a time when the most modern and powerful ship of state ever known to man is on a stormy passage on a dark and violent sea, a gifted handsome young junior officer with a gift of gab, good sense of humor and winsome smile assumes command.  He promises a command characterized by post partisan, post-racial pragmatism.  He talks of “hope and change” but fails to differentiate if it is the course and safety of the ship or the weather that he hopes to change. The storm rises in ferocity, including partisanship; the ship remains on course; the iceberg looms.    

The Contest: Combine an upscale carnival with the ship heading toward an iceberg and a crew most concerned with arranging the chairs on the promenade deck and you’ve got the 2011Ames Straw Poll. While the ship of state, under the current regime, like a bloated tick is sucking the life-blood out of the economy and its people, the passengers are listening as the band plays on, eating and drinking and more interested in what’s on the menu and the music fare than the ship’s intersection with destiny.  The captain is essentially asleep at the wheel, or more accurately, in his political boardroom still talking about hope and change. We all know the tragic ending of this scenario.  

The Results: 1) Bachmann: 4823 (28.55%).  2) Paul: 4671 (27.65%).  3) Pawlenty: 2293 (13.54%). 4) Santorum: 1657 (9.81%).  5) Cain: 1456 (8.62%).  6) Perry: 718 (3.62%).  7) Romney: 567 (3.36%).  8) Gingrich: 385 (2.28%).  9) Huntsman: 69 (0.41%) 10) McCotter: 35 (0.21%).  Total votes: 16,674.    

The Question: Who is most qualified and has the greatest probability of saving the ship from its fateful intersection with the iceberg?  A mystic?  A romantic? An ideologue? A pretender?  A sociopath? An egotist?  A neophyte? Or an experienced Master and Commander? Unite or Die, Again!   

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