Who We Are
The New Sons and Daughters of Liberty
Our Mission Statement speaks more to our present goal than to our identity. Our signature, “New Sons and Daughters of Liberty” does say a lot about who we are. There is no more revered and important word in our political lexicon than liberty. Personalities and individual identities are irrelevant. What counts for present purposes are values and votes.
We’re a non-partisan amorphous group of voters who share certain values and beliefs and are vehemently opposed to others. In terms of our shared values, we believe in limited government, checks and balances, the individual as the final arbiter of value in society, Federalism, the Constitution, the rule of law and Bill of Rights, the free market and personal responsibility.
We are opposed to collectivism, centralized planning, coercion, lack of accountability, opaqueness, arbitrariness and unchecked power of government. We are opposed to the subterfuge, pretense and duplicity all too common to politics in general but the unapologetic hallmark of the progressive collectivist movement and its fellow travelers.
In terms of demographics, we’re professionals and working class, old and young, gay and straight, employed and unemployed, blue collar and white collar, students and parents, academics and artists; black, white, brown and variegated. We’re Democrats, Republicans and Independents. We believe in the primacy of the family as the bedrock foundation of society. We believe the vitality and durability of democracy is dependent on an enlightened and involved electorate. We believe, indeed that the price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
Perhaps our identity is best summed up in the Federalist Papers, where it is written: “...it seems to have been reserved to the people of this country, by their conduct and example, to decide the important question, whether societies of men are really capable or not, of establishing good government from reflection and choice, or whether they are forever destined to depend, for their political constitutions, on accident and force.” We will plant our Unite or Die, Again!, standard on the high ground of reflection and choice. We are the New Sons and Daughters of Liberty.
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